This is an erect, annual or perennial herbs; leaves alternate, simple; flowers white, scarlet, or blue, 5-parted, tubular and irregular-shaped with 2 lips; fruit a capsule.
It blooms summer into fall
The foliage consists of 1 to 3.5 in. lance-shaped or narrowly ovate, nearly toothless, light green basal leaves with a simple stem that is densely downy toward the base but smooth above
The flower is an elongated, slender spike-like cluster of small pale purplish-blue to bluish-white flowers; two narrow lobes above and three wider lobes below that form a lip
They are often found in meadows, fields, thickets, and in dry sandy soil or in the forest or natural area, in moist woods and fields, the edge of streams; in the landscape, in flower gardens, cultivated herbaceous annuals and perennials
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