Viburnum nudumPossumhaw Viburnum (B&B.BW.DR.FC.H.M.OP)


Ecosystem Services:
(B)-Birds                                     (B&B)-Birds & Butterflies

(BTF)-Butterflies                    (BW)-Black Walnut Resistant

(DR)-Deer Resistant              (DRG)-Drought Resistant

(EVR)-Evergreen                     (FC) Fall Color

(G)-Groundcover                     (H)-Host plant

(HMR)-Hummingbirds           (M)-Mammals

(MTH)-Moths                             (NB)-Native Bees

(OP)-Other pollinators          (RR)-Rabbit Resistant

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Smooth Witherod is a native deciduous shrub growing in savannas, low, wet woods and bogs and may reach 12 feet tall and wide. It prefers sun to part shade in acidic, moist, well-drained soils but can be adaptable.

The opposite wavy-edged leaves are nicer leaves than some viburnums with good fall color. The blooms are showy and fragrant in flat-topped clusters and give way to showy berries of various colors. Berry production is best if more than one shrub is planted. The bark is smooth and gray-brown with a few raised warty lenticels.

Plant in acidic moist to occasionally wet sites in full sun to partial shade along ponds, streams and bogs and in water or rain gardens

Host plant for the Spring Azure Butterfly and Hummingbird Clearwing Moths!


One Gallons


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