Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldstrum’ – Black-eyed Susan ‘Goldstrum’(B&B.DR.DRGHT.NB.OP)


Ecosystem Services:
(B)-Birds                                             (B&B)-Birds & Butterflies
(BTF)-Butterflies                             (BW)-Black Walnut Resistant
(DR)-Deer Resistant                      (DRGHT)-Drought Resistant
(EC)-Erosion Control                    (EVR)-Evergreen
(FC)-Fall Color                                 (FRG)-Fragrant
(GRD)-Groundcover                      (H)-Host plant
(HMR)-Hummingbirds                (M)-Mammals
(MTH)-Moths                                   (N)-Nectar
(NB)-Native Bees                            (NST)-Nesting Material
(OP)-Other pollinators                 (RR)-Rabbit Resistant
(SHWY)-Showy                                (SPC)-Specimen Plant

Black-eyed Susan  ‘Goldstrum’ is a cultivar of the straight species and is an erect herbaceous perennial in the daisy family (Asteraceae) native to the eastern part of the United States.

Black-eyed Susan is easy to grow, thriving in any but soggy soils. It does best in full sun but tolerates partial shade. It also bears up under hot, humid summers and, once established, will tolerate drought. The plant spreads by underground stems called rhizomes to form large clumps. Propagation can be done by division in the spring or fall, or it can be propagated by seed.

With prolific yellow daisy-like flowers that have a brownish-purple center that first mature in early summer and continue into the fall, this plant may quickly reach 2 to 3 feet tall. A rosette of leaves that originate at the base of the stem persists through the winter, creating an attractive winter ground cover. Leave the seed heads on as a winter food source for the birds.

It is utilized for perennial beds, backgrounds, in pollinator gardens, in naturalized areas, and borders. Staking may be required for large heads. Plants of this species sold in garden centers are usually named cultivars, rather than the wild-type species.

While Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ (Black-Eyed Susan) is a popular and attractive cultivar, it’s not considered a strong host plant for many butterflies or moths compared to the straight species. 


Trade Gallons, Two Gallons, Three Gallons

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