Agastache foeniculumAnise Hyssop (B&B.DR.HMR.NB.RR)


Ecosystem Services:
(B)-Birds                                             (B&B)-Birds & Butterflies
(BTF)-Butterflies                             (BW)-Black Walnut Resistant
(DR)-Deer Resistant                      (DRGHT)-Drought Resistant
(EC)-Erosion Control                    (EVR)-Evergreen
(FC)-Fall Color                                 (FRG)-Fragrant
(GRD)-Groundcover                      (H)-Host plant
(HMR)-Hummingbirds                (M)-Mammals
(MTH)-Moths                                   (N)-Nectar
(NB)-Native Bees                            (NST)-Nesting Material
(OP)-Other pollinators                 (RR)-Rabbit Resistant
(SHWY)-Showy                                (SPC)-Specimen Plan

Planted in full or partial sun and mesic to dry conditions, this perennial grows 3 to 5 feet tall and is planted 12 to 24 inches apart in well-drained soil. The foliage has an anise or licorice scent and can be used as a flavoring in salads and teas. Seeds can be used in cookies cakes and muffins. Flowering starts, even in unfavorable summers, in late July and continues until late autumn. The plants will self-seed in the garden and usually overwinter well if the soil is well-drained. Anise hyssop will attract bees, butterflies and/or birds to the garden. If you decide to propagate this plant, division can be done in spring or fall.

Deer Resistant!


Trade Gallons, Two Gallons, Three Gallons


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