Osmunda regalis, commonly called royal fern, is a tall, deciduous, native fern which usually occurs on moist bluffs and ledges and along streams (sometimes growing in the water). Typically grows in clumps to 5-6′ tall, but with constant moisture can reach 6′ in height. It is best grown in medium to wet soils in part shade. It prefers moist, rich, humusy, acidic soils, but adapts to lesser conditions. Also prefers cool summer climates where it tolerates close to full sun as long as given consistent moisture. Full sun exposure is not recommended.
Osmunda regalis – Royal Fern (D.G)
Ecosystem Services:
(B)-Birds                       (B&B)-Birds & Butterflies
(BTF)-Butterflies               (BW)-Black Walnut Resistant
(DR)-Deer Resistant           (DRG)-Drought Resistant
(EVR)-Evergreen              (G)-Groundcover
(H)-Host plant                 (HMR)-Hummingbirds
(M)-Mammals                 (MTH)-Moths
(NB)-Native Bees              (OP)-Other pollinators
(RR)-Rabbit Resistant
Availability: 38 in stock