Hibiscus laevis – Rose Mallow(B&B.H.HMR.M.MTH.NB.OP)


Ecosystem Services:
(B)-Birds                                             (B&B)-Birds & Butterflies
(BTF)-Butterflies                             (BW)-Black Walnut Resistant
(DR)-Deer Resistant                      (DRGHT)-Drought Resistant
(EC)-Erosion Control                    (EVR)-Evergreen
(FC)-Fall Color                                 (FRG)-Fragrant
(GRD)-Groundcover                      (H)-Host plant
(HMR)-Hummingbirds                (M)-Mammals
(MTH)-Moths                                   (N)-Nectar
(NB)-Native Bees                            (NST)-Nesting Material
(OP)-Other pollinators                 (RR)-Rabbit Resistant
(SHWY)-Showy                                (SPC)-Specimen Plant

Rose mallow is a rapidly growing perennial in the Malvaceae (mallow) family and is native to southeastern Canada and central and eastern United States.

It grows to a height of 4 to 6 feet and a width of 3 to 4 feet. It has erect green stems and large, showy, white or pink flowers. It is a relative of the okra plant and has a slimy mucilaginous sap.

This plant prefers full or partial sun, fertile soil, and wet conditions and grows best in the coastal and piedmont regions of North Carolina and Georgia, where it bears fruit from August through October. Propagation occurs through seed planting. The plant tolerates pruning, but keep in mind that flowers will bloom on new growth.

Use in a pollinator, butterfly, or rain garden, along streams or ponds, or in wet areas of the cottage or native plant garden. It grows quickly in warm weather and works well in the back of a border, in wetland gardens, and woodland habitats.

Host plant for the caterpillars of several butterflies, moths, and skippers, including the Gray Hairstreak, Painted Lady, Common Checkered Skipper, Tropical Checkered Skipper, Pearly Wood Nymph, Yellow Scallop Moth, Io Moth, and Delightful Bird-Dropping Moths. 

Members of the genus Hibiscus support the following specialized bee: Ptilothrix bombiformis


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