Size | 4" Pots for Preorder Only, Trade Gallons |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae – New England Aster (B&B.DR.DRGHT.H.NB.OP)
Ecosystem Services:
(B)-Birds                       (B&B)-Birds & Butterflies
(BTF)-Butterflies               (BW)-Black Walnut Resistant
(DR)-Deer Resistant           (DRGHT)-Drought Resistant
(EC)-Erosion Control          (EVR)-Evergreen
(FC)-Fall Color                 (FRG)-Fragrant
(GRD)-Groundcover           (H)-Host plant
(HMR)-Hummingbirds        (M)-Mammals
(MTH)-Moths                  (N)-Nectar
(NB)-Native Bees              (NST)-Nesting Material
(OP)-Other pollinators         (RR)-Rabbit Resistant
(SHWY)-Showy                (SPC)-Specimen Plant
New England Aster is a herbaceous perennial that may grow 3 to 7 feet tall. The leaves are alternate, rough, and hairy. The leaves have a smooth margin. The stem is fuzzy. Large, purple flowers with a yellow center mature from August to October. The herb produces a dry seed (achene) that matures in the late fall.
Showy deep pink-purple flowers are attractive to wildlife including bees and butterflies and also make great cut flowers for arrangements. Tolerates clay soil and makes a great addition to a rain garden. Plants can be cut to the ground after flowering to promote strong new growth. Good air circulation will help prevent foliar diseases.
Host plant for the Pearl Crescent butterfly (Phyciodes tharos) and other moths.Â