
Shrubs are famous for creating year-round interest in the garden, with abundant flowers, unique fruit, brilliant fall color, and sculptural forms in winter. Native shrubs are superior when it comes to creating habitat for wildlife.

In both urban and rural settings, these shrubs can supply the food, cover, and nesting sites required for an array of wildlife. Pollinators, birds, insects, and mammals all depend on the flowers, fruit, nuts, leaves, or wood of native shrubs. Spring and early summer are common flowering times for native shrubs, and the abundant blossoms offer easy and ample foraging for pollinators and provide welcome color in the landscape. The fruit and nuts that develop later are important to migrating birds in the fall. Some shrubs retain their fruit through the winter and provide a critical food source during times of great scarcity. These fruits, possibly not as tasty, are ignored in the fall when other more desirable fruits and seeds are readily available.

These categories are represented by the following abbreviations for easy referral:
(B)-Utilized by birds for food, cover, or nest materials
(BTF)-Utilized by butterflies for nectar
(BW)-Black Walnut Resistant
(D)-Drought Resistant
(DR)-Deer Resistant
(G)- Groundcover
(H)-Host plant
(HM)-Utilized by Hummingbirds
(M)-Utilized by Mammals
(MTH)-Utilized by Moths
(NB)-Utilized by our Native Bee species
(P)-Utilized by many other pollinators
(RR)-Rabbit Resistant

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